Monday, February 13, 2012

Jamming - the new crack/ Pickle me this Batman...

So here again is an example of something I said I would not do because it is simply too trendy and now that I have, I am hooked. Summer practically demands that we think ahead, the sheer volume of beautiful produce screams to be enjoyed, and saved for the future.

It all started with a sale on blueberries. I thought a bitter pink grapefruit marmalade with blueberries would be wonderful and after the consulting the source of all knowledge (google) it turned out that a woman in Brooklyn thought so too and had a nice recipe on her lovely blog. Of course I played with it and added some of my favorite things, brown sugar and Tahitian Vanilla Bean and voila! my Jam Addiction was born.
The marmalade is fantastic, so much so that I will have to make more because I keep eating it all, but there's so much more.
Now my sister-in-law and I are actively making new seasonal jams and pickles all the time and selling them to friends and family and at private events.


Now we are officially Preservation Society! In the spirit of a true addict I cannot put down my jamming or pickling for long. I can swear off (with or without a solemn oath) and find myself back in the kitchen within 72 hours sterilizing jars and prepping produce. 
So, pickle me this Batman - what's the new Crack? Jam, pickles, marmalade! Preservation is the new Crack.  
More to come...